2 Another way to provide extra information about code is to use formal specifications (Appendix G).
4 For abstract types whose instances can change value, a client does need to know if assignment has copy or sharing semantics (see Section 3.2).
5 Does not apply to HTML version. italics.
6 The meta-notation, item,+ is used to denote a comma separated list of items. For example, /*@access mstring, intSet@*/ provides access to the representations of both mstring and intSet.)
7 Through the parameter. Modifications using some other variable that has a pointer to the location of this parameter are not considered.
8 The flag -booltype can be used to select a different name for the boolean type. To change the names of TRUE and FALSE, use -booltrue and -boolfalse. The LCLint distribution includes an implementation of bool, in lib/bool.h. However, it isn't necessary to use this implementation to get the benefits of boolean checking.
10 This section is largely based on [Evans96]. It semi-formally defines some of the terms needed to describe memory management checking; if you are satisfied with an intuitive understanding of these terms, this section may be skipped.
11 This is similar to the LISP storage model, except that objects are typed.
12 Except sizeof, which does not need the value of its argument.
13 If the storage is not assigned to a reference, an internal reference is created to track the storage.
14 The full declaration of malloc also includes a null annotation (Section 7.2) to indicate that the result may be NULL (as it is when the requested storage cannot be allocated) and an out annotation (Section 7.1) to indicate that the result points to undefined storage.
15 The full declaration of free also has out and null annotations on the parameter to indicate that the argument may be NULL and need not point to defined storage. According to [ANSI,], NULL may be passed to free without an error. On some UNIX platforms, passing NULL to free causes a program crash so the UNIX version of the standard library (Appendix F) specifies free without the null annotation on its parameter. To check that allocated objects are completely destroyed (e.g., all unshared objects inside a structure are deallocated before the structure is deallocated), LCLint checks that any parameter passed as an out only void * does not contain references to live, unshared objects. This makes sense, since such a parameter could not be used sensibly in any way other than deallocating its storage.
16 If an exposure qualifier is used (see Section 6.2), the implied dependent annotation is used instead of the more generally implied only annotation.
18 Note that if the parameter is annotated with only, it is not an error to assign it to part of an abstract representation, since the caller may not use the storage after the call returns.
19 That is, the return type is bool, or int if +boolint is used.
20 The sef annotation denotes a parameter as side-effect free (see Section 8.2.1). By declaring the argument to assert to be side-effect free, LCLint will report errors if the parameter to assert produces a side-effect. This is especially pertinent if assertions are turned off when the production version is compiled. The bool /*@alt int@*/ type specifier for the parameter means the parameter type must match either bool or int. Alternate types are described in Section 8.2.2.
22 Note that functions which do not produce to the same result each time they are called with the same arguments should be declared to modify internalState so they will lead to errors if they are passed as sef parameters.
23 The most renown C naming convention is the Hungarian naming convention, introduced by Charles Simonyi [Simonyi, Charles, and Martin Heller. "The Hungarian Revolution." BYTE, August 1991, p. 131-38]. The names for LCLint naming conventions follow the tradition of using Central European nationalities as mnemonics for naming conventions. The LCLint conventions are similar to the Hungarian naming convention in that they encode type information in names, except that the LCLint conventions encode the names of accessible abstract types instead of the type of the declaration of return value. Prefixes used in the Hungarian naming convention are not supported by LCLint.
24 Namespace prefixes should probably be described by regular expressions. LCLint uses a simpler, more limited means for describing names, which is believed to be adequate for describing most useful naming conventions. If there is sufficient interest, regular expressions may be supported in a future version of LCLint.
25 Peter van der Linden estimates that default fall through is the wrong behavior 97% of the time. [vdL95, p. 37]
26 "Software Glitch Cripples AT&T Network", Telephony, 22 January 1990.
27 In earlier versions of LCLint, the default extension .lldmp was used. This has been shortened to .lcd.